In a digital era filled with increasingly complex cyber threats, PGNCOM, through its President Director, Larassetyo Wibowo, emphasizes the importance of each individual's role in maintaining the integrity and security of the company's data. In his message, he reminded all Connectivizens of PGNCOM that information security is a shared responsibility that is crucial in conducting daily operational activities.

Mr. Laras urges all Connectivizens to work together to create a safe and secure working environment. "In this ever-evolving digital era, cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated. Therefore, it is important for every individual in the company to understand and actively participate in maintaining the integrity and security of information," said Larassetyo Wibowo.

PGNCOM recognizes that businesses in various sectors, such as energy, transportation, retail, and manufacturing, now rely on digital systems and high-speed connectivity to provide efficient customer service and run cost-effective business operations. Just as physical assets need to be protected, digital asset security is also a top priority. Cyber attacks aimed at gaining unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, or connected facilities can result in the disclosure, theft, deletion, or alteration of confidential data.

With the same spirit, PGNCOM remains committed to strengthening its cybersecurity strategy to ensure business continuity and the protection of valuable information.

For more information about PGNCOM's information security measures and other initiatives, please visit all our social media platforms listed below!

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